Liza came to power at Woodstock and has been kinky ever since. She grew up in a household with servants and weekly formal dinners and credits her mastery to lessons learned at the knee of her Grandmother, a model of Matriarchy. In 2002, Liza met Jody, moved to San Francisco and jumped into the leather community with both boots. She is honored to have served as Northwest Master 2010 and International Master 2011.
A horsewoman her entire life (it is no surprise that her Mama’s family name is Mama’s horsewoman), she had no name for the pony play she experienced at her all-girls summer camps throughout her youth. Currently, she is the proud trainer of the handsome stallion, Ferdinand (also known as her slave, Jody.)
Currently living in Portland, Oregon, Liza is active in MAsT:Portland as well as Bad Girls, a BDSM group for women. Having won several awards, among the most valued was to be named along with her slave, Presenter of the Year in 2012 by MAsT:International.
Jody, Liza’s slave has been living with her Mistress, Liza since 2002. Her alter ego is Ferdinand, a fine black Percheron stallion, who was born in April 2011 at Beyond Leather in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
After leaving the military in 1980, Jody came out as a leatherdyke and slave. Shortly thereafter she founded Leather and Lace, Los Angeles’ first women’s leather club. In 2000, Jody moved to San Francisco and met Liza two years later. She credits her “slave-bearing”, such as it is, to her time in the military. Jody is honored to have served as Northwest slave 2010 and International slave 2011.
Jody has been active in the leather community for most of her adult life and has also been active in the LGBT community, where she has advocated for the rights of LGBT servicemembers, marriage equality, and equal treatment of transfolk. Currently living in Portland, Oregon, Jody is active in MAsT:Portland as well as Bad Girls, a BDSM group for women. Having won several awards, among the most valued was to be named along with her Mistress, Presenter of the Year in 2012 by MAsT:International.